Diabetes management and insulin pump therapy may seem overwhelming at times but eventually they will become second nature. Yet sometimes things don’t always go as designed. Having a plan will keep you prepared if the unexpected happens.


You will learn Troubleshooting Your Glucose

  • Understanding low and high glucose
  • Treatment guidelines for high glucose
  • Identifying the causes and taking action to resolve high glucose
View Resource Sheet

You will learn Supplies to Carry and Keep on Hand

  • Supplies you’d carry daily
  • Traveling
  • Emergency preparedness

You will learn Sick Day Supplies

  • Supplies to keep on hand
  • Foods to keep on hand

You will learn Time Off Your Pump

It may be necessary to disconnect from your Tandem pump for a short period of time during certain activities such as contact sports, swimming, a medical procedure, an insulin pump malfunction, or maybe you are just out of supplies.


Ready to level up? Here are additional resources to support your training.

Pump Training Prepare for Training

This training has been designed to help familiarize you with your Tandem Diabetes Care products.

Keep Training

Pump Training Continuing Education

Here you’ll find more information about ongoing classes and the supportive Tandem Diabetes Care community.

Keep Learning