Follow these Four Simple Steps


Download the Free Mobile App

Download the t:connect mobile app on your smartphone by clicking the badges below or visiting Google Play or the App Store, searching for “Tandem Diabetes,” and selecting “t:connect mobile” from the results.

tandem-icon-badge-app-apple-2x tandem-icon-badge-app-google-2x

Enable Mobile Connection

To enable Bluetooth on your t:slim X2 insulin pump, unlock the pump screen, tap OPTIONS, select Device Settings, and then select Bluetooth Settings. Tap the toggle to turn on the Mobile Connection.

Note: If you don't see Bluetooth Settings in the menu on your insulin pump, visit the customer portal to update your insulin pump to the latest software (you may need a prescription and training).


Login to the Mobile App

Enter your existing t:connect web application credentials on the t:connect mobile app login screen. If you don’t already have an account, you can create a login and password in the t:connect mobile app.

Note: This can take minutes, hours, or days depending on when you last uploaded to the t:connect web application and how much data is stored on your insulin pump.We strongly suggest uploading your pump data to the t:connect web application via a USB cable before starting the next pairing step.


Pair with Your Insulin Pump

Follow the prompts on the t:connect mobile app to pair your smartphone with your t:slim X2 insulin pump. For detailed pairing instructions, view our Quick Reference Guide or watch the instructional video in the sidebar. Only one device can be paired with the t:connect mobile app at a time.

Note: After you have synced the t:connect mobile app to your insulin pump, the data will upload to your t:connect account.


Instructional Video

Watch this video to learn how to pair the t:connect mobile app to your t:slim X2 insulin pump.

Need Help?

If you need additional help, please visit our Support Center for frequently asked questions, tips, and troubleshooting.