Significant Reduction in Time Below Range (Hypoglycemia) in People with Type 1 Diabetes Using an Advanced Hybrid Closed-Loop System

Lars Mueller,* Alexandra Constantin, Harsimran Singh, Steph Habif †


To determine how an advanced closed-loop system like Control-IQ® technology t:slim X2™ insulin pump can assist people with diabetes to better manage their time below range (TBR) targets while optimizing glycemic control.


We examined sensor TBR metrics for people with with type 1 diabetes (T1D) 30 days prior to starting Control-IQ technology and after seven weeks of using Control-IQ technology, focusing on glycemic outcomes.


Using Control-IQ technology, participants demonstrated significant reduction in both Level 1 (<70mg/dL) and Level 2 (<54mg/dL) hypoglycemia.


Use of the t:slim X2 pump with Control-IQ technology demonstrated clinically relevant reduction in hypoglycemia with improved sensor time in range in people with T1D within a few weeks.